Korg Analog Drum Machine

$199.00 /pc


Total Price:

Following in the footsteps of the monotron, monotribe, and MS-20 Mini analog synthesizers, Korg announces the Volca series. volca is a new lineup of EDM production tools. These powerful and fun-to-use true-analog devices deliver a diverse array of fat sounds that can be obtained only from an analog synthesizer. Each is also equipped with sequencing/recording capabilities for intuitively generating performances. Multiple volcas can be used in tandem via the vintage-style sync in/out, and with your favorite DAW software or MIDI keyboard via MIDI In. Battery operation and built-in speakers mean that you can conveniently play anywhere and anytime. These are the next-generation analog synthesizers, bringing you the ultimate sounds and grooves with ease and depth. Whether used together or by themselves, the volca series is poised to inject true analog power into any performance or studio setup!

* Powerful analog drum sounds

* Real analog sounds created with reference to classic rhythm machines

* Six editable analogue parts with one knob per function for easy editing

* Maximum effect from minimal parameters - a unique advantage of analog

* PCM sound engine expands possibilities when used with analog sounds

* Loop sequencer distilled from the Electribe series

* Electribe-style 16-step sequencer with eight memory patches

* Stutter function generates repeated triggers that dramatically change the sequence

* Active Step function generates new bass lines by removing or inserting steps.

* Step Jump function instantly plays only the step you're pressing

* Convenient functions for incredible ease of use

* Sync In and Out allows clock sync of multiple instruments from the volca Series as well as Korg's Monotribe

* MIDI In for note entry, plus external sync and control from your DAW

Keyboard Features

Keyboard Type
Electric Keyboard


Seller's Warranty - Parts
1 year
Seller's Warranty - Labour
1 year
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